This is a picture of Mary from around 2019, when she was a member of Forest Gate WI. She gave us some wonderful tips on how to save the planet . Mary made wonderful cakes for the WI cake stall. Customers were always impressed with her creations.
Badge designed by Mary for Friends of Forest Lane Park.inbound4211566597278864039
D03BDC99 F9B8 4555 A01A 4F5B2132748B
4F9D3408 292D 4E20 BB4F 7BEE5742F8E1
Forest Gate WI logo- designed by Mary .
Badge designed by Mary for a nursery school
7668570B 1EDF 4274 B90D F343CF12A4D2
05A12896 F43B 43FB 9039 E74AA3519D40
F8F7C5AE E390 4202 BB3B 0C1084595D43
5E818164 371E 4617 B4AC C1D2F61CB04B
IMG 20221019 135352 HDR
A tasty treat from Mary at Steve’s 40th.
One Christmas at The Jones’s.
Steve’s 40th.
En-Famile AGM Stratford upon Avon.
In Barcelona circa 2012.
Doing what Mary likes best, being creative with the children. Making and decorating Easter Eggs.
Bar-B-Cue at ours for a French homecoming.
Our eldest Vicci’s 5th birthday, I was frantically running around trying to find a cake and two ours before the party Mary said “no problem, I’ll make one”. This is how incredible she was.